Etruscan Time Line
1000 B.C.
- Lydians from Asia Minor settle in Italy (c. 1000 B.C.)
800 B.C.
- Etruscan civilization in Italy (c. 800 B.C.)
700 B.C.
- Etruscan influence reaches Rome (c. 625 B.C.)
600 B.C.
- Etruscan kings rule over Rome (c. 600 B.C.)
500 B.C.
- Carthaginians defeat the Etruscans in a naval battle at Cumae (474 B.C.)
400 B.C.
- Etruscan city of Veii falls to Rome; Etruscan civilization in decline (396 B.C.)
200 B.C.
- last Etruscan cities fall to Roman expansion (c. 200 B.C.)