Time Line of Phoenicia
3000 B.C.
- Byblos founded ( c. 3000 B.C. )
- Phoenician city of Tyre founded ( c. 2750 B.C. )
1000 B.C.
- Canaan vying for control with the Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon (c. 1100-700 B.C.)
- Phoenicia founded (c. 1000 B.C.)
- Phoenician alphabet developed (c. 1000 B.C.)
- King Hiram I rules Tyre (969-936 B.C.)
900 B.C.
- Phoenician city of Carthage founded ( 878 B.C. )
800 B.C.
- Phoenicians settle in Cyprus (c. 800 B.C.)
- Assyrian incursions of Phoenicia begin (774 B.C.)
- Assyria invades Phoenicia (738 B.C.)
- Tyre falls to Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria (734 B.C.)
- Assyrians invade and conquer most of Phoenicia (701 B.C.)
700 B.C.
- first recorded circumnavigation of Africa by Phoenicians (c. 672 B.C.)
600 B.C.
400 B.C.
- Tyre falls to Alexander the Great (332 B.C.)